Commercial Vehicle Liability

Hutchinson Cannatella P.C. defends a variety of clients in the commercial transportation industry. These clients include inter-state and intra-state commercial carriers, bus companies and rental car companies. Our clients appreciate the rapid response capability from our 24-hour hot line. This allows us to provide immediate services at the scene from accident reconstruction experts, accident investigators and even legal counsel for their drivers.

The cases we defend fill the spectrum from low-speed impacts to multi-vehicle pileups. They involve everything from minor to catastrophic injuries, including closed head injuries and wrongful death.

We maintain close ties with the trucking industry through our active involvement with the Trucking Industry Defense Association (TIDA). Our firm is a regular sponsor of TIDA events. What’s more, Michael J. Hutchinson and Tara Cannatella make regular presentations on commercial vehicle accident investigation and litigation techniques to the insurance industry. Mr. Hutchinson has also spoken at the Advanced Skills Course for TIDA.

Need Representation?

We are committed to keeping all files moving towards the most cost-effective solution for our clients. Count on our experience, process and proven results on what matters to you most .

Areas of Expertise

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